The main symptoms with prostatitis

Approximately every second man over the age of 50 years and before the person knows what is prostatitis. This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues of the prostate. In consequence of this, it happens a malfunction of the genitourinary system. The symptoms of prostatitis in men rather special. To avoid complications, people over the age of 35 years recommend to undergo a medical examination, which gives the possibility of detecting the disease at an early stage.

prostatitis pictures

The causes of the disease

The basis for the development of prostatitis is an infection. The inflammation of the prostate can cause the staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli and other microorganisms, which are always present in the human body. However, when the immune system works without any problems, they do not represent a danger. But as soon as there is a drop in the body's defences, their number starts to grow, which leads to the development of inflammation. However, it is worth fighting for-panic-all resolvable.

The main causes of the development of prostatitis in men

Result in the development of the disease are able to and other factors:

  1. Urinary tract infections, including sexually transmitted diseases trichomoniasis, etc.). This is attributed to the fact that the prostate gland interacts with the other bodies of the system, the genito-urinary tract.
  2. The stasis of blood. In men, the life-style that can be called sedentary, in the pelvic area can occur processes in stagnant, that is the provoking factor for the development of pathogenic micro-organisms. Subsequently, they can penetrate into the prostate men and cause inflammation.
  3. Constipation frequent. The prostate is closely suitable for the intestine. If processes occur stagnant, then broke the permeability of the blood vessels and the general circulation. When constipation, faecal bulk along you are in the right, then all are assigned the toxins and decay products are able to enter the blood. This often causes an inflammatory process.
  4. The stasis of seminal fluid. The lack of sex can lead to a stagnation of blood in the pelvic area. This leads to the death of sperm, and chronic inflammatory process.
  5. The presence of men of all chronic diseases, because tooth decay can cause inflammation to the prostate.

Variety of prostatitis

The inflammation of the prostate gland are divided into 4 categories:

  • Pungent.
  • Chronic.
  • Asymptomatic chronic.
  • The chronic prostatitis is of bacterial origin.

Acute sight diagnosed quite rare and it is associated with the bacterial infection, which always enjoys serious. The patient appears in acute pain, it raises the temperature of the body, occurs the general weakness of the body. Visual inspection shows an increase of the size of the prostate. This type of disease requires urgent treatment, as this can cause a series of complications.

The chronic type of the disease is associated with constant pain, that man worried more than 3 consecutive months. The analysis of the urine in this case indicates the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

Asymptomatic prostatitis has almost no characteristic signs and symptoms. Detect obtained during the regular medical examination or treatment of a doctor on the occasion of another disease.

The chronic bacterial prostatitis often associated with the development of active and. coli. This can contribute to the reduction of the defenses of the body, pelvic surgery, the presence of a source of infection. This type of disease is characterized by the slow current, and the symptoms are similar with the manifestation of an acute form of inflammation.

The most common symptoms of the disease

The first signs of prostatitis in men can be the following:

  1. The decline in libido can be called the first symptom that indicates the presence of inflammation of the prostate gland. Erection in healthy men ought to arise every morning. Prostatitis can manifest itself in the fact that you will be irregular or absent. When this man may notice that the penis is not able to become firm enough for sexual intercourse. The seminal fluid becomes liquid and muddy.
  2. Need to urinate during the night. A healthy man did not wake up at night to go to the bathroom. The patient may disturb the feeling of incomplete evacuation. It is so that you can manifest the disease at an early stage.
  3. The sensation of pain, which is facing about half of all patients with prostatitis. Have aching in nature, and are concentrated in the pelvic area. The pain may occur during urination or ejaculation. Any unpleasant sensations that occur in men in this field, are the occasion for a visit to the doctor.

These are only the first symptoms of prostatitis, which are peculiar to each type of disease.

Other symptoms include:

  • Unpleasant sensations during defecation.
  • Burning sensation in the area of the perineum and urethra.
  • Fatigue.
  • Psychological depression and the depressive state.
  • In the urine, you can see the mucous membranes of the thread.

These symptoms are secondary and depend on the type and degree of prostatitis, which can have variable clinical.

Signs of acute prostatitis

Acute inflammation of the prostate has the characteristic signs of intoxication:

  1. At a high temperature.
  2. The feeling of chills.
  3. Headache and pain in the joints.
  4. The lack of appetite.
  5. Sleep disorders.
  6. Increase in sweating.
  7. Fever.

The development of acute inflammation can cause the virus, bacteria and other microorganisms. Such agents can be present in any organism. With the immune system to function properly, all the pathogens are suppressed immunity. But in cases, when the protection becomes granted, the infection starts to develop actively, that eventually leads to inflammation.

The acute danger of the disease is often one of developing infertility, impotence and over time can degenerate into a chronic form of prostatitis, lead to inflammation of the testicles, and abscess of the prostate.

Any prostatitis in men can cause the formation of a benign tumor (adenoma) and malignant tumor of prostate (cancer). It is important, therefore, in the presence of at least one of the symptoms of prostatitis, ask a doctor.

a sign of an adenoma of the prostate.

Read more on acute form of the disease, says the doctor of higher category, the urologist-andrologist Alexei Kornienko:

How to determine prostatitis, knows every doctor-urologist. For this there will be a rectal examination, send the patient to the ULTRASOUND, computerised or magnetic resonance imaging and will take the analysis of blood and urine.

For the diagnosis, the doctor will be sufficient for inspection of the rectum. The analysis and other necessary tests to determine what caused the prostatitis in men. In the following we will help you decide how to treat the inflammation of the prostate in the individual patient. Each kind of disease requires a particular therapy. For example, in the case of the process, are prohibited and some physiotherapy.

The symptoms of bacterial prostatitis

The reason for the development of this type of inflammation of the prostate gland, are the bacteria. The symptoms in this case are identical to the ones that the man observed in the case of acute prostatitis. This is due to the fact that the bacterial species and inflammation, and is often the cause of transition of the disease in the chronic form, which has periods of exacerbation.

The treatment in this case, it should have a complex character. It will consist in the allocation of drugs, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications, prostate massage, physiotherapy and the application of techniques of traditional medicine.

Due to the fact that, in the background of any moved of infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, osteomyelitis, etc.) perhaps the development of an inflammatory process of the prostate, the patient after recovery we recommend that you visit a urologist and to pass the necessary examination, which will give the possibility to identify the disease at an early stage.

With prostatitis, which is caused by the bacteria, the basic treatment is the appointment of antibiotic therapy. This treatment gives the opportunity to not only quickly get rid of a pathogen, but also to prevent the development of complications. With this, the most important thing remains timely recourse to a doctor, because it is the attitude negligent to their health, is the leading cause of chronic disease.

It is very important to continue the treatment even after the symptoms disappear inflammation of the prostate. In fact, in 90% of cases of chronic prostatitis, the reason is undertreated disease.

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis

Chronic, or as it is called abacterial prostatitis, is not associated with the bacteria. Its main causes, become stagnant processes in the pelvis (the stagnation of the blood, seminal fluid) or the deficiency in the body of men zinc. This is important for the health of the male element, normalize the production of sex hormones, enhances the potency and reproductive function, protects the prostate from diseases.

Also common symptoms of prostatitis, its abacterial forms are present sore, pain in the lower abdomen, groin or perineum. Often these feelings apply on the back and coccyx. The pain may disturb the patient long-term.

The therapy assigned by the attending physician, will be to use anti-inflammatory drugs and hormonal funds, alpha-blockers, and herbal remedies. Also is assigned to a massage of the prostate and various physiotherapy treatments.

The symptoms of prostatitis and asymptomatic

In men the symptoms of prostatitis in this case is missing. Then it is usually diagnosed in the later stages, when the disease has led to an increase of the size of the body and a significant violation of urination. Reveal his help to the clinical and bacterial analysis of urine, where the doctor can see a large number of white blood cells and the presence of bacteria. Due to the fact that this type of disease manifests itself, it very often leads to the appearance of a chronic form.

Knowing how it is prostatitis in the early stages, a man is important to pay attention to the night the need to urinate and a violation of morning erection.

The treatment of chronic prostatitis

In this case, the schema of the treatment will depend largely on the stage of the disease. If there is aggravation, the therapy will be similar to that which is prescribed in case of bacterial prostatitis.

For the remission is characterized by symptoms:

  • Regular, but brief, pain, often a coupling of the character.
  • Disorders of urination (cramping,frequent urge, etc.).
  • The development of depression, eating disorders emotional state.

Consent, in relation to the treatment of phase chronic prostatitis no. Therefore, the doctor will focus on symptoms and prescribe medications to help normalize the patient's condition.

Questions about the treatment answered md Borisov, Vladimir V.:

Example of scheme of treatment of chronic prostatitis:

  1. The appointment of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. The use of drugs which ensure that the outflow of blood and lymph from the inflamed area.
  3. Immunomodulatory receive, which help to relieve the swelling, reduce the likelihood of thrombosis, improve the blood circulation.
  4. Sedatives, and antidepressants help to cope with erectile dysfunction.
  5. To improve the circulation and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, the patient shows physiotherapy, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF, microwave hyperthermia, etc.).

Prevention of prostatitis

To avoid the aggravation of the disease, of men and women facing a diagnosis of prostatitis, should do the prevention. The main measures of prevention consist in:

  • Abandon bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse). If the alcohol is impossible, you should at least limit the number. Is allowed to drink no more than 1 glass of wine, quality red wine a day. If you are talking about smoke, this bad habit consequent interruption of the circulation of the blood due to a temporary spazmirovannah blood. In this way, the prostate can experience a lack of oxygen or not receive needed nutrients. Also heavy smoking often increases the pressure, which can also cause inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • You need to lead an active lifestyle.
  • To exclude the possibility of stress. For this you can practice self-training, consult a psychologist. No less important to alternate work and rest. The end of the week spend actively together with family or friends. It will be an excellent prevention of depression.
  • To prevent hypothermia, and the time to treat any colds.
  • It is important to pay attention to what excessive physical stress can be not less dangerous, of lack of physical exercise.

For the strengthening of the male body, you need to:

  1. Perform daily morning exercises. This can be as easy a run, or just light exercise. Particularly relevant is the rule for who has the work requires you to sit all day in one position (office work).
  2. Improve the well-being helps shower. This procedure acts as on the whole body, and on the prostate in particular.
  3. Useful is the visit to the bathroom. But it is important to remember that after the release of the steam may not pour cold water.
  4. It is necessary to enrich the diet of fresh vegetables, nuts, seeds, honey, herbs. However, it is necessary to limit and / or reject brine dishes and sauces.
  5. It is important to establish the sex life, avoid unprotected sex or delay ejaculation.

To prevent the development of prostatitis and related complications, every man over the age of 35 years must undergo a medical examination, and the identification of any disease symptoms to consult a doctor.