Treating Prostatitis With Pills: Proven Men's Health Medicines

Prostatitis Capsules

Prostatitis is the most common male disease in urology, and it is not easy to cure. Be sure to develop a set of measures designed to reduce pain, normalize the urination process, and restore the prostate to its normal size. Treatment includes medication, special massage, and physical therapy. Tablets are selected according to the form of prostatitis.

Pills for different types of prostatitis

Antibiotics are prescribed if bacteria are the cause of the disease. Tablets with broad action are considered relevant:

  • cephalosporins;
  • penicillin;
  • Fluoroquinoline.

The first group of drugs is mainly administered by injection. Groups 2 and 3 are available in tablet form.

In acute prostatitis, pain relief and prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are first required. Baralgin is often recommended for pain relief. If treatment is administered at home, it is prescribed in tablet form. In the hospital, injections are given more often.

Viral prostatitis is very rare. It usually occurs in people with very weak immune systems. Herpes virus, flu, papilloma virus can cause disease. In addition to drugs to improve blood circulation, antiviral tablets are also prescribed. Immune-boosting drugs and vitamins must be taken.

Group of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis


Basically, they are necessary in the acute form of the disease. Use antispasmodics to relax vascular smooth muscle and increase blood microcirculation. This reduces inflammation and acts as a pain reliever.

In addition, analgesics are prescribed. They only relieve pain for a few hours, so need to be used regularly. The aforementioned drugs address a different problem—they normalize a condition where the urethra is compressed, and the prostate is inflamed and enlarged. If the effect should be as quick as possible, such as severe pain, then candles are best. They move faster.

Muscle relaxants are prescribed if the muscles of the perineum need to be relaxed.

Improve blood circulation

Pills to improve circulation are almost always prescribed, as congestion is often the cause of prostatitis. They don't allow the body to fully recover, and they don't allow the antibacterial drugs to work at their full potential. Therefore, vasoprotectants are prescribed, which improve microcirculation and supply oxygen to all cells. Increases elasticity of platelets and red blood cells.

alpha blocker

This group of drugs includes tablets and other forms of drug releasers designed to relax the smooth muscles of the urethra and bladder neck. Taking an adrenergic blocker is a long process, but you need to remember that the purpose of such pills is not to treat, but to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Especially effective against chronic urinary retention.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors may also be used in therapy. These drugs work by reducing the volume of the prostate and increasing the strength of the flow of urine. It is usually used in chronic form and is taken for at least six months.


Homeopathy is unlikely to help with acute prostatitis, but can be used as an additional treatment or prevention for chronic prostatitis. Experts will choose the most appropriate drug.

Features of taking medicine

A person must complete the course of treatment. The absence of symptoms does not mean that the prostate has returned to normal. If this is not done, inflammation can become chronic.

Medication can only be selected after examination. Physicians consider the presence of microbial communities on the smear, clinical symptoms, and patient complaints of pain. According to this, men should take antibacterial, anti-inflammatory treatment. More recently, bioregulatory peptides are commonly used for recovery after treatment. They improve the regeneration of prostate cells.

There are a variety of medications available to treat prostatitis. But only a few are right for you. You cannot prescribe medication yourself. This can lead to sexual dysfunction, which will not be easy to deal with in the future.