What antibiotic should I choose for prostatitis?

Antibiotics to treat prostatitis

Prostatitis is a disease of the male reproductive system. It is most common in middle-aged men. There are several types of this disease, and you may get sick for various reasons. Some patients receive antibiotic treatment for prostatitis at home without consulting a doctor. It's not worth doing. Doctors know better than you what antibiotics to drink for prostatitis and adenoma. Before starting treatment, it is very important to understand what prostatitis is.

This disease occurs with inflammation of the organs of the male genitourinary system. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account many individual characteristics of the patient.

This type of activity is carried out when it is impossible to cure without a course of antibiotics. Antibiotic treatment is not always feasible.

Prostatitis can be of two types: non-bacterial and bacterial. Antibacterial drugs cannot cure non-bacterial prostatitis.

The indication for antibiotic therapy is persistent acute bacterial infection of the prostate. In order to determine how to treat this disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests.

Non-infectious inflammation of the prostate

The white blood cell count did not increase, and the culture tank was negative. Also called chronic pelvic pain.

Carry out symptomatic treatment. If the patient's tuberculosis test is positive, they are referred to the urology department of the tuberculosis pharmacy.

Prostate tuberculosis

The diagnosis is based on a prostate biopsy. Prostatic tuberculosis develops very rapidly. The patient complains of weakness, mild fever and malaise

Infectious prostatitis

As the number of white blood cells increases (over 25). This indicates infectious prostatitis.

In this case, use antibiotics for treatment. Antibiotics for prostatitis are prescribed one day after diagnosis.

The drug was chosen because the pathogen is most sensitive to it. You can drink antibiotics that have a wide range of effects. If the treatment result is not observed, use a seed box and prescribe drugs with a more targeted range of action.


Remember, no one antibiotic can solve all problems at once. The antibiotics you take must be on the list of effective antibiotics.

There is no need to self-medicate, prostatitis cannot be cured in this way, it will only aggravate the condition. It is necessary to choose the most effective medicine.

The dose and duration of the course of treatment depend on the severity of the course of the disease. In most cases, antibiotics with a wide range of effects are used to treat prostatitis and adenomas. The treatment lasts a few months on average.


Hyperthermia and prostate massage can only be performed when tuberculosis is ruled out, because they can exacerbate the progression of this disease.

Advanced prostatitis will use antidepressants and sedatives, which can severely disrupt the patient's normal life and lead to depression. The doctor himself chooses the antibiotics to treat prostatitis.

In addition to microorganisms, fungi can also cause prostatitis. Therefore, doctors may prescribe antibacterial drugs to treat non-bacterial prostatitis and uncomplicated infections.

Drug classification

There are several types of drugs that can be used to treat bacterial prostatitis. Fluoroquinolone is the most effective today.

They are particularly good at curing prostatitis in the form of bacteria. Neurotoxicity and phototoxicity. Use if tuberculosis is completely ruled out.

These drugs are used to treat all forms of tuberculosis; if the patient has not yet received a tuberculosis culture, they cannot be used.

Anti-tuberculosis treatment includes at least four drugs. Treatment with one drug will only lead to resistance to tuberculosis bacilli. This is full of manifestations of chronic tuberculosis, which is an extremely dangerous and incurable tuberculosis of the reproductive system.

If the patient has noticeably improved after taking the fluoroquinolone preparation, and recurrence is found after stopping the drug for a few months, it is necessary to contact a more accurate examination and conduct a tuberculin test at a professional institution-the tuberculosis clinic.

Due to the development of resistance to tetracycline in most pathogenic microbial strains, the use of tetracycline has recently decreased significantly.

Today's penicillins are represented by amoxicillin, added with clavulanic acid, which has the greatest antibacterial effect.

The best antibiotics-Macrolide antibiotics are rarely used to treat prostatitis. Advantages: low toxicity, high activity against mycoplasma and chlamydia. It is sold in pharmacies under the names clarithromycin and azithromycin. Now you know which antibiotics are used to treat prostatitis.

Remember, effective antibiotics are those that are not resistant to microorganisms. Not all antibiotics can do this. This must be kept in mind when determining the course of treatment.

For the treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis, it is best to use fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and macrolides. Two or more antibiotics are also prescribed to relieve inflammation faster.

Take care of yourself and don't delay treatment. After all, health is the only thing in your life! Only use qualified medical help, do not self-medicate.