Prostatitis in men: causes, symptoms, treatment

Many people are asking what is the prostatitis. Under this term understand the inflammatory damage of the prostate, which often is observed in males after the age of 35.


If a time does not start treatment of malocclusion, is a high likelihood of complications, sexual and reproductive field.

The essence of malocclusion

With this term we realize the inflammation of the prostate. It is a widespread urological violation. According to the statistics, is the 50 % of men after age of 50 years.

The prostate is a glandular-muscular organ, which is located around the urinary tube. She is responsible for the synthesis of the selections, connecting with the seminal fluid, and they support the normal activity of sperm. This helps to protect them from the harmful effects of external factors.

Prostatitis has acute and chronic. In the first case, the authority includes harmful bacteria – Proteas, and. coli, Klebsiella and other microorganisms. The infection occurs through the urethra, the flow of blood or lymph.


There are many factors that cause the appearance of inflammation. The main causes of prostatitis are the following:

the causes of prostatitis
  1. Bad circulation. This causes an increase in size of the prostate. Of the problems is the lack of exercise and excess body weight;
  2. The infectious diseases. The infection often occurs due to urethritis or gonorrhea. In rare cases, predisposing factors supporting influenza, tonsillitis, tuberculosis;
  3. Inflammation bacterial. The problem is caused by infections, in the prostate. This can be done through the blood stream, the lymph or during sexual intercourse. Problems can be the bacteria that live on the surface of the human body or in the abdominal cavity;
  4. Traumatic lesions of the pelvic organs. Also the reason often acts in violation of the blood flow in that area. This is why prostatitis is often develops pilots, who are exposed to vibrations;
  5. The cold and the lack of physical activity. Causing a factor of perhaps chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, hormonal imbalances, lack of systematic sexual contacts. The cause may be a delay of urination;
  6. The lack of physical exercise. Insufficient level of physical activity impacts negatively on the functionality of the endocrine organs, of the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system. This process is accompanied by disorders of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. When hypoxia of the tissues of the breast to create the conditions for the breeding of pathogenic microorganisms. These factors provoke the development of prostatitis;
  7. The defeat of the intestine or the urethra. This is a violation causes secondary infection of the prostate. Can be ascending or descending;
  8. Chronic constipation. Constant violations of the chair involve inflammatory changes in the body.

The key for reasons of sickness refer urological infection, and a series of venereal disorders. In this category are urethritis, gonorrhea. Predisposing factors can also be such violations, such as chronic bronchitis, toothache, sore throat.

The types of prostatitis

the types of prostatitis

The symptoms of prostatitis are directly dependent on its variety. The doctors highlight a whole series of a variety of diseases, each of which is characterized by some peculiarities.


This form of the disease is usually diagnosed in 21-43 year. In this case, the signs of inflammation of the prostate include a substantial increase in temperature may rise up to 40 degrees. Also, people have a total weakness, chills, disorders of urination.

Patients often suffer from disorders of erection, perineal pain, purulent and bloody impurities in the urine. The chronic form, the disease is the most moderate of the event. However, with the relapse of the disease symptoms of prostatitis are amplified.


The main manifestations of the disease include pelvic pain, of the sacred and of the perineum. The discomfort increases when the motor activity of the body. The disease is characterized by disorders of urination, bloody impurities in the urine, irritability, weakening of erection.


For this form of the disease characteristic and chronic. The disease develops in case of violation of the flow of blood in the pelvic organs. Also, the reason may be stagnation of secretions in the prostate. It was usually observed in the absence of sexual relations.

For this form of the disease is characterized by problems with urination. Even a person experiences feelings of discomfort in the testicles and the groin. You can increase the temperature, it is broken for the erection, of developing depression.


chronic form

With this term realize it is a bacterial species acute form of the disease. For purulent prostatitis is typical of a substantial increase in indicators of temperature up to 40 degrees. The man observed purulent debris in the urine, is broken urination, are expressed by pain in the perineum and the inguinal area.

The symptoms

The symptoms of inflammation of the prostate depend on the stage of the malocclusion:

  1. Being. In this case, the person appearing of the symptoms of palpitations urination. Also occur pain when emptying the bladder. The patient feels the discomfort of the perineum and of the sacred.
  2. The follicular. The pain becomes more pronounced character, at times gives the area of the anus and increases during the emptying of the intestine. This stage of the disease is accompanied by disorders of urination. The man, the urine flows in a thin wire. Sometimes occurs retention of urine, a bit of a fever.
  3. Parenchymal. It is characterized by symptoms of intoxication, a substantial increase of the temperature up to 38-40 degrees, the state of chills. The man appear problems with urination, and observed severe pain in the groin. Often disturbed defecation.

If time does not treat the malocclusion, occurs chronic prostatitis. For him, it is characteristic erased the clinical picture. In rare cases, an increase in temperature up to low-grade values.

the symptoms of prostatitis

Very often, malocclusion is the result of chronic inflammation, which is associated with the infection specific infection. This can be gonorrhea, Ureaplasma, Trichomonas. In this case, the person may be present as a small secretion of the urethral, the unexpressed pain in the perineal area, the accumulation of the discomfort during urination.

The chronic form may be accompanied by a burning sensation in the perineum and urethra. The man is observed excessive fatigue, sexual disorders, dysuria. In case of problems with the power of a man is faced with the mental repression, increased anxiety, irritability.

The pain syndrome

The prostate does not contain pain receptors. Causing a hardship factor is the involvement in an anomalous process of the nerve fibers. People with the chronic form of the disease you experience pain of varying severity – from moderate to very intense.

The syndrome of the pain varies in its intensity during the intercourse, premature ejaculation or increase sexual activity. The discomfort gives in sacral region, groin and the scrotum. Sometimes it is also felt in the lumbar area.

Dysuric syndrome

The inflammation causes an increase in the size of the prostate, which leads to compression of the ureter. The earth is becoming less and less. The person will experience an increase in the frequency of urination. There is also a sense of incomplete emptying of the organ.

Usually dysuria disorders manifest in the early stages of the disease. After this occurs, compensatory hypertrophy of the muscles of the bladder and ureters. At this time symptoms dysuria reduced. Failure of these mechanisms are again on the rise.



To reveal the inflammation of the prostate, it is necessary to consult a urologist. The clinical picture of the malocclusions, it is possible to identify the disease and also its stage of development. The inflammation and the increase in size of the prostate, it is possible to see using ultrasound.

The main diagnostic procedures refer to the following:

  • Palpation of the prostate – manipulation performs urologist;
  • Several studies of urine – general, cytology, bacteriological;
  • The microscopic examination of the seminal fluid;
  • Urethral swab – analysis of the secret is done for the evaluation of the composition of the microflora;
  • The analysis of the content of a DOG during manipulation assess the specific proteins of the prostate.

In most cases, these manipulations is sufficient. In the presence of difficulty with the diagnosis is performed step-by-step urodynamics. For this man is in the hospital.

In rare cases, is Cytoscape. This procedure applies not only for diagnostic purposes. Can be curative. Manipulation provides internal research of the bladder and urethra. In the absence of damage is not necessary to perform the procedure.



Methods of treatment of prostatitis grips with the shape and the flow characteristics of the disease. Acute prostatitis accompanied by severe intoxication, febrile status, in violation of well-being.

In this case, the patient requires urgent hospitalization. He described the introduction of intravenous antibiotics. In other forms of prostatitis the need of such a therapy does not yet exist.

Medical therapy

When the bacterial form of malocclusion suggested the application of antibacterial drugs. If the cause of the disease are the bacteria, the use of such funds does not give you the desired results.

The antibiotics used for the treatment of nearly all acute infections. Drugs in the acute form of the disease selected taking into account diagnostic data of the research. The doctor defines a particular type of micro-organism that caused the malocclusion and the degree of sensitivity to the drugs.

To cope with the constant pains in the pelvic area and the perineum, shows the use of muscle relaxants and alpha-blockers. With the help of antispasmodics funds and alpha-blockers can relax the muscles of the affected organ and the bladder. This facilitates the excretion of urine and he manages well with the symptoms of the disease.

To eliminate the voltage protection of muscle tissue, the resolution of the oppression inflamed prostate and reduce the pain, the doctor may prescribe muscle-relaxing drugs.

the introduction of drugs

In difficult situations it fails to do without the administration of intravenous fluids and use of diuretics. Thanks to this therapy is able to stimulate the excretion of urine, which helps to avoid poisoning of the organism. This treatment prevents the onset of ascending infection into the bladder.

To eliminate the signs of non-bacterial forms of the disease, the prescription of analgesic drugs, antipyretic drugs, agents anticholinergic. When chronically constipation you must use laxatives, emollients. Effective is the paraffin oil.

Even if the resolution of the main symptoms of acute bacterial malocclusion, it is important to undergo treatment completely. If you stop the treatment before time, it is likely a chronic process. Subsequently prescribed support methods of treatment.

In some cases, with the development of malocclusion, it is necessary to follow a special diet. It consists in the elimination of acute and fatty foods. In addition, it is necessary to renounce to caffeine will enjoy. Under the ban are, and acidic drinks.

The status of men affects favorably the systematic premature ejaculation. It provides drainage of the prostate secret. The serious violation of urination impose temporary suprapubic fistula. It can also be performed step-by-step periodically catheterization.


The operation is recommended in the absence of the effect of drugs. The indication to surgical treatment of prostatitis is blockage of the flow of urine prostate. It is worth considering that young patients such a method is not prescribed, because it can be a cause of infertility.

the operation

There are different types of intervention:

  1. The transurethral resection of the prostate organ – implies the removal of all the tissues;
  2. Prostatectomy – the procedure consists in the removal of the prostate and the surrounding tissues. In the course of handling cut and the seminal vesicles. It is quite difficult intervention, which often results in impotence and can be a cause of urinary incontinence.

The consequences

If the time not to proceed with the therapy, there is the risk of dangerous health consequences. First of all, the prostatitis is dangerous to the development of the abscess. The formation of defeat of the prostate increases significantly the temperature. The fever is replaced symptoms chills.

A sharp pain in the perineum leads to the rupture of urination and defecation. Increase the swelling of the prostate leads to serious problems with urination.

In rare cases, occurs independent autopsy of an abscess, after which its content falls in the intestine or the urethra.

The spread of infectious pathogens in the chronic form of the disease causes the appearance of cystitis and pyelonephritis. Frequent consequences of malocclusion refers to the defeat of the eggs and their appendages. In addition, there is the risk of vesiculitis, which is an inflammation of the seminal vesicles. As a result of these processes often occurs on the violation of reproductive functions.



To prevent the onset of inflammation or relapse of chronic diseases, it is necessary to follow these recommendations:

  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol;
  • To systematically do sports;
  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Stop smoking;
  • Avoid stressful situations;
  • Time to treat the inflammation – first of all with regard to genital infections;
  • Take a shower contrast;
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects;
  • Use a barrier method of contraception;
  • Systematically to have sex;
  • Take vitamin supplements;
  • Commit to strengthening the immune system;
  • Two times a year to participate in urologist;
  • Fair and balanced to eat.