Treatment of male prostatitis: how and how to treat inflammation of the prostate

Nowadays, the treatment of prostatitis is a big problem for doctors all over the world, because the disease is complicated and hidden.

A man with prostatitis is consulting a urologist

Prostatitis only affects the stronger sex, although some people don't know which doctor treats prostatitis until some time.

Regardless of age, if a man is worried about discomfort or shows any similar signs, you should contact a specialist immediately.Contact the medical institution in time, the treatment of male prostatitis will not cause any difficulties.

Types of prostatitis and its symptoms

According to the scope of the disease, prostatitis can be divided into 2 main types:

  1. In men with prostate infection, this guarantees the course of the disease mainly in the pelvic area.
  2. Congestive prostatitis directly affects the prostate.

The course of the disease can be of 3 types:

  • Chronic bacteria (through physical therapy and symptomatic treatment);
  • Chronic bacterial (treatment of prostatitis according to the cause of prostatitis);
  • The chronic form of deterioration (treatment with antibiotics).

The following factors can be considered as signs of the development of male prostate disease:

  • Violation of the urination process;
  • Sexual dysfunction;
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen and scrotum;
  • Perineal discomfort;
  • Changes in ejaculation volume.

Almost all types of diseases mainly have no clinical symptoms, but in the case of chronic prostatitis, a long course of disease is observed. The treatment of prostatitis can only be prescribed by a professional urologist based on the passed test results.

All the nuances associated with acute clinical symptoms may be based on various factors, such as:

  • How long will a neglected disease last;
  • The level of the inflammatory process;
  • Are there any lesions in this area;
  • The regularity of sexual activity.
Male sexual dysfunction is one of the signs of the development of prostatitis

These questions are important because the signs of the disease's development are very similar to the onset of other diseases in the field.

Causes and risk factors

There are several main reasons for the development of this disease:

  • Sedentary lifestyle, mainly for managers and civil servants, some officials;
  • Circulatory system dysfunction;
  • Immunocompromised;
  • Continuous pressure and systemic psychological pressure;
  • Frequent and severe hypothermia, especially those who like skiing and similar sports;
  • Long-term lack of sexual activity;
  • Sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasma, herpes, chlamydia, fungi, trichomoniasis, E. coli);
  • Violation of the body's hormonal background;
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
Stress can cause male prostatitis

Symptoms of prostatitis

In most cases, this disease will have obvious symptoms, so it is not difficult to detect it in time. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • Breach of validity
  • Perineal pain;
  • Discomfort in the anal area;
  • Frequent urination with pain;
  • Temperature rise
  • Increase in sweating level.

Under no circumstances should the treatment of the male prostate be delayed, because in addition to various pain sensations, prostatitis can also reduce the blood circulation level of the genitals, thereby impairing the ability of sperm to mature.

If a person experiences one of the above symptoms, it may be due to personal characteristics or the development of other diseases. Usually, when men experience prostate inflammation, the symptoms will manifest themselves and aggravate each other.

Prostatitis manifests as frequent urination

In the case of chronic disease of the prostate, the symptoms are the same, but the manifestations are less. But the danger of this disease spreading into a chronic disease is that in a crisis, the condition will deteriorate sharply. In addition to the main symptoms, you can also add the following:

  • Constant feeling of full bladder;
  • Excreted from the urethra during defecation;
  • Severely irritable
  • Lack of orgasm.

Lack of timely and appropriate treatment can lead to the following complications:

  • Recurrent cystitis;
  • Prostate suppuration (can only be corrected by surgery);
  • Bladder obstruction;
  • The development of infertility;
  • Genitourinary tract stricture;
  • Impaired renal function;
  • Life-threatening and health-threatening sepsis and complications;
  • The development of renal failure.
A man has complications of prostatitis

Untreated prostatitis can cause the following complications:

  • Seminal vesicle inflammation or inflammation develops in one or two seminal vesicles at a time;
  • Inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  • The formation of prostate stones.

One of the most unpleasant complications is prostate sclerosis, that is, the disease has been developed for a long time and has a certain degree of complexity, but the symptoms that can be recognized for it appear much later. Therefore, if there is no special medical examination, it cannot be determined.

Some advanced forms of this disease can cause a complete lack of libido. In other words, the work of the receptors responsible for sexual life and sexual arousal deteriorates, and hormone levels drop.

Modern diagnosis and treatment

This problem cannot be solved alone, so if you notice any obvious symptoms, it's worth contacting your urologist as soon as possible.

Different treatment drugs are selected according to the individual physiological characteristics of the patient.

Treatment of prostatitis should not be done at home.

Modern treatment and diagnosis methods can almost accurately determine the disease and its degree of development.

Usually, the first thing a urologist prescribes for the treatment of prostatitis is urinalysis through various samples, bacteriological examination of urine and prostate secretions, which will provide an accurate picture of the location of urinary tract infections.

Ultrasound examination of prostate and pelvic organs

In addition, it is very important to perform a digital examination of the prostate, which is not particularly pleasant for men, but it is inherently very useful for determining the disease. In some unclear cases, the urologist may instruct patients to study prostate enzymes, ultrasound examinations of prostate and pelvic organs, as well as computer or magnetic nuclear tomography, cystoscopy, and urography. All the above tests will correctly determine the treatment of prostatitis.

When an expert diagnoses, he must completely rule out the possibility of benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer in the human body.

In order to temporarily relieve the pain, you need to know how and how to treat the disease. The preparations of this group of analgesics and warm water baths will be very effective for treating prostatitis.

Many people want to know how to treat male prostatitis today. If a urologist diagnoses a male with bacterial prostatitis, he will definitely prescribe antibiotics, by bacteriologically inoculating the secretions on a nutrient medium and determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to chemotherapy drugs, targeting the individual and specificThe case chooses antibiotics.

For the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis, only anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

The direct course of treatment and its duration and efficacy directly depend on whether the doctor's choice of treatment of prostatitis is correct, and the timely treatment of medical institutions.
The prescribed treatment must be carried out responsibly and comprehensively, otherwise the expected results will not be achieved. The treatment process should be complicated, and the most common is to prescribe the following measures and drugs:

  1. Prostate massage procedure.
  2. Physical therapy procedures.
  3. Improve and correct the immune system.
  4. Various antibacterial drugs.
Drugs for treating prostatitis

But in any case, at the beginning, antibiotics will eliminate the obvious inflammatory process. The most common are fluoroquinolones and many other drugs, which belong to the group of drugs that penetrate the prostate tissue.

In addition, in some rare cases, penicillin or macrolide drugs may be prescribed to treat prostatitis.

In order to relieve pain, the patient was prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In the process of diagnosis and analysis, infectious diseases of the reproductive tract can be detected. In order to cure them, targeted treatment measures are needed.

If only antibacterial treatment of prostatitis is carried out, and the complexity of other measures are ignored, the pathogen will not disappear, the symptoms will only disappear, and the disease will continue in a latent form.

No matter how meaningless it may seem, the main impact on prostatitis treatment is prostate massage procedures, even though they are so intolerant to men.

Massage can significantly improve the level of blood circulation, free you from suppuration and speed up the healing process. In addition, massage allows the active substance of the drug to better penetrate into the prostate tissue.

Almost all prescribed treatment procedures are aimed at improving blood circulation in the prostate area:

  1. Warm herbal bath.
  2. Magnetic therapy.
  3. Electrophoresis.

Of course, immunocorrective therapy is prescribed in the form of fortifying drugs and special vitamin complexes. Almost always, experts recommend changes in diet, nutrition and lifestyle: it is the rejection of bad habits and strict adherence to dietary habits that can greatly help improve the patient's condition, and most importantly, overcome diseases such as prostatitis.

A man is taking medicine prescribed by a urologist to treat prostatitis

If you want, you can focus on alternative medicine methods, which have a lot of recipes on how to deal with prostatitis. Prostatitis treated at home may not be completely cured.

To relieve pain and relieve some symptoms, use medicinal decoctions, suppositories, and tinctures. But even in this case, it is recommended to consult a urologist first.

In fact, in order to protect himself, a person should not take any preventive measures. He should take a responsible and cautious attitude towards his lifestyle and health.

According to experts’ opinions and suggestions, this doesn’t require much:

  1. Regular sex life to ensure ejaculation and prevent prostatitis.
  2. It is best to have a permanent partner and avoid promiscuity in every possible way. This will only stimulate the development of such diseases.
  3. If casual sex is possible, be sure to use protective equipment.
  4. Continuous small physical activity is good for prevention, especially for those whose occupations are related to a sedentary lifestyle.
  5. Try to avoid hypothermia.
  6. Promptly treat prostatitis and genitourinary system infection.
  7. Reject bad habits and wrong lifestyles.
  8. A healthy diet and a normal sleep pattern.
  9. Visit the urologist systematically.

Prevention will enable men to protect themselves from insidious and unpleasant diseases such as prostatitis.

A small conclusion

Remember that despite the long treatment time for prostatitis, positive results can still be achieved. You only need to work for your goals. healthy!