TOP-16 best funds from prostatitis

Men of different ages collide with prostatitis – a serious and common disease, significantly aggravating the quality of life. Its causes a great variety of is and stress, poor nutrition, and a variety of infections. The tool of prostatitis chosen empirically, after consultation with the doctor. Effective drugs invented by a large number, are available in the form of capsules, tablets, candles, and injectable solutions.

As it seems prostatitis

Prostatitis – a purely male disease, which affects the prostate gland. The last is about the beginning of the urethra, under the bladder, the standard has a diameter of three inches. It produces a special secret, responsible for the vitality of the sperm. When an organ is inflamed, you are experiencing problems with urination (pain, cramps, burning sensation), premature ejaculation, facilitating orgasm, the decline of vitality. The age of the person, the greater the likelihood of disease. All prostatitis sick from 9 to 16% of the total of all adult males.

Distinguish between four main categories of this disease:

  • cutting edge;
  • chronic bacterial;
  • chronic syndrome of pelvic pain (with no signs of inflammation or without them);
  • asymptomatic;
  • chronic granulomatous.

In parallel with prostatitis, doctors often look to the patient urethritis, more older people are the benign prostatic hyperplasia. The disease can lead to a serious form of impotence, sterility. Self-medication is not necessary, as well as "running" cases lead to serious consequences for the entire body. Professional treatment hospital-acquired district, will be low-cost and effective, if the disease has just come back to haunt him.

The earlier you start therapy, the greater the chance of a full recovery of all of the functions altered. In the case of suspicion of disease, it is necessary as soon as possible contact a specialist.

The signs, the symptoms, the causes of

The reasons for the development of prostatitis a lot, but the doctors are divided into two groups:

Signs, symptoms, causes of prostatitis
  • non-communicable diseases is "stagnant" option, resulting from inactivity (the sedentary life-style), total or seasonal, reduce the immunity. The abuse of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, certain powerful drugs can also cause diseases. Prolonged sexual abstinence, especially in adulthood, as over-active sex life at times, it becomes a "trigger" for the disease;
  • infectious – occur because of sexually transmitted infections (STIS). In the tissue of the prostate penetrate several microbes, viruses, bacteria, fungi, triggering an inflammatory process. The main focus of infection can be located and in other places. When chronic tonsillitis, sinus, complicated tooth decay, kidney infections, inflammation after operations on the organs of the peritoneum and of the pelvic floor often occurs this disease.

The main symptoms are different for force pain in the groin, urethra, the area suprapubic, scrotum, penis, lower part of the back. At the same time there is a burning sensation, discomfort during urination, delayed ejaculation. The development causes can be injury to the stomach, damage the nerve endings in your pelvic area, sex organs, disorder of the circulatory, lymphatic, problems with the hormones (androgen deficiency), but also a severe form of beri-beri, everyday situations of stress. Of the causes of infection, the patient most often recorded and. coli, enterococcus, proteus, Klebsiella, pseudomonas aeruginosa. Presumably, the cause of prostatitis can become chlamydia, streptococci, mycoplasma, staphylococci. In extremely rare cases – coli, pale Treponema, etc.

In the treatment of prostatitis have used very different drugs – as for the price, both for the ease of administration, the duration of the therapy. The doctors recommend that you use the "time-tested" drugs and are not widely known and the new, supposedly efficient, but in point of fact, useless. The assessments funds against the diseases of the prostate are often published on medical websites.

Tablets from prostatitis

Tablets from prostatitis are:

  • Anti-inflammatory – direct the withdrawal of the pain and inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • Antibacterial effective when the bacterial origins of the disease; they are only used on prescription of the doctor, after running the analysis for the definition of infection the pathogen;
  • Drugs to improve circulation – often the cause of inflammation becomes stagnant in the pelvic area, and similar funds will help to establish the flow of blood; in addition, to facilitate the arrival to the field of infection antibiotics and other drugs;
  • Antispasmodics – eliminate the spasm of smooth muscles, and establishing the urination;
  • Hormonal – contribute to the blockade of the synthesis of testosterone, since the hormone induces the proliferation of the tissue;
  • Vitamins strengthen the immune system and normalize the welfare of the patient as a whole.

To choose the suitable instrument, it is necessary to make a diagnosis, establish the cause of the disease, its form.